This evening I will give the "UPDATE" my heart has been wanting to share with you for over 4 months.....After David was diagnosed in January with stage 4 Liver and colon Cancer...our lives have taken on a whole new momentum of it's own.Dave has been on regular Chemo treatments with the HOPE that the Chemo would be effective enough to shrink the larger tumors so that Surgery could be done on the liver and then have a section of the colon removed.Many of you have been traveling this road with us for the last few months and have been invaluable to both of us with your Prayer support and uplifting , positive comments.Your faithfulness has ment more to us then you will ever come to realize...Yesterday Dave had the PET scan we've been hoping for and dreading at the same time.The "Tell all" scan....Did the Chemo work?Did it shrink the tumors enough to be able to have surgery?Being a Nurse myself these photos don't phase me....sorry If they make you uncomfortable..not my intention.Thought I'd take a shot of the nuclear meds being pumped into his IV...Pretty heavy duty.
If you've never had a PET scan....Here she is...simular to an MRI....just bossier.This girls Way Large and IN Charge!She picks up everything...That being said...
We recieved a phone call tonight from our Oncologist as to the PET scan results...
The Chemo did it's job...
All the liver tumors are Indistinguishable!!!!
the two quarter size tumors on the liver are indistinguishable !!!
the colon tumor is indistinguishable !!!
the abdominal spots are indistinguishable !!! (this is my new FAVORITE word!!!!)
All the spots are INACTIVE....(another fabulous word !!!)
In short...the Chemo did in 6 treatments exactly what they and we hoped it would do...
Shrink the tumors so they were indistinguishable on the scan.!
Now we are meeting with the LIVER and COLON surgeons this next week to schedule surgery to remove the portion of the colon that was infected...
and the portions of the liver.
If left alone at this point the cancer would grow it's coming out.
Then 6 more treatments of chemo...
At this point the prognosis is VERY GOOD.
The next 4-6 months will be challening recovering from the surgeries and additional Chemo...
Our hearts are singing Gods praises this evening!
Chemo does not work without the hand of God...we are humbled and in awe of His wonderous ways...
He has been the "God of All Comfort"...
and the "Lord of My Rocking Boat "these last few months...
Again..., we both Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and support .
I pray that somehow each of you have been enriched in some way by witnessing this amazing God we serve.
He loves each and everyone of us like no-other.
While we were so busy rejoicing in our good news a little MIRACLE was taking place in the backyard...
Dave went to check on the beautiful blue eggs and Oh! My!...
He clicked real fast and got out of there so Mama could come keep her new ones warm...
sooooo new...

One more to go...
What a day of rejoicing in NEW BIRTH !...xoxo~Kathy