Friday, June 18, 2010

HERE TODAY...Gone tomorrow...

Why does this breathtaking whiteness only endure for such a few short days?...
The distinct heady smell...arrives and leaves so early.
Almost like a tease...
Petals fall...and I find myself saying..."No!...not yet"

I gathered the fallen petals in a dish...and smelled them for three more days...
Such a sweeet gift...White Peonies.

Until next year...


  1. What a beauty1!!
    i wish you a verry nice and sunny day

  2. What lovely, white flowers - almost like tissue paper. I wish I knew what they smelled like. I don't believe I've ever seen a white Peonie...

    Thanks for visiting me and have a lovely weekend :-)

  3. Stunning! I have never seen such a brillinatly white peony, I thought it was organza at first. My mother has white peonies but they are more a soft cream. Do you know the name of these?

  4. Peonies are hands down my favorite flower. I know exactly how you feel. I look forward to their arrival each and every year. If only they would last longer and continue to bloom through the season.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~

  5. Beautiful peony, Kathy. Our neighbor has a white one. I love the scent, but alas...they don't stay around long.

  6. Do you have a bush, I would love to plant one? love peonies

  7. Beauty at it's finest! I love any kind of white flowers.

    Hope your weekend is nice

  8. Oh, I know what you mean. I kept smelling my white peonies after bring them in the house. They have such a heavenly scent. It's a shame they don't last longer.
    Your pictures are gorgeous always.

  9. When I was little I was a flower girl in a wedding, the mother of the bride had a garden full of peonies and I carried a basket full of peonie petals! I should plant some myself...maybe next year:0


  10. Beautiful photo! Someone told me the white ones are stronger smelling than the dark pink...they must be heavenly as my dark pink ones are heavenly.

  11. Wauwwwww...Kathy...thes pionies looks amazing !!! so wonderful beautiful..............!!

    White is my favorite............happy weekend enjoy !!! hugs from

  12. Yes I do have a bush in the front yard...
    half fushia and half white.
    The whites ARE much more fragrant...I think.
    and I'm sorry...but I don't know the name of them.
    You'd think I would!
    Hope your finding time to smell the Flowers this weekend!

  13. If you want to smell them for longer, why not try and make a linen spray out of them, or a tonic? It might work, then you could just spritz the peonie water on yourlinens or around your house, or on yourself, and smell that beautiful scent!

  14. Great idea Charmaine!!!
    Next year for sure!
    Love spritzing the linens...perfect!

  15. Kathy.....Beautiful white peonies! They are so white they look like they are made of paper. Enjoy them while they last!~Hugs, Patti

  16. Isn't that pretty. They don't last just like my gardenia blooms. They smell so good and then they are gone.

  17. Hmmm Kathy . . I wonder if peonies grow in FL? I'll have to google it. I don't think I've smelled a peony before but I'll definately check them out. Thanks for sharing:)

  18. Kathy, these photos are beautiful!


  19. I so favorite! Your images of your white peony are stunning!

    xoxo Beth

  20. Hi Kathy,

    It was great to discover your beautiful blog and many thanks for coming to visit me.
    I love your pretty white and pink peonies and I can't believe you paid $3 for the mirror, it is lovely what you did to it.

    I hope that you are having a great weekend

  21. Aw yes, until next year! Why is it when peonies bloom, we are sure to get pounding rain? Your B/W photo is amazing, Kathy, and will sustain you until next spring.

  22. Dear Kathy,
    Oh, the beautiful of my favourite flowers. They are so wonderful and last such a short time but, while they are with us they give so much pleasure. Your photographs are beautiful.
    Many thanks for entering my giveaway and your lovely comment. I'm so sorry if I have neglected you, but it is so difficult getting round to everyone. I seem to be on the computer 24/7 as it is.
    Many thanks for all of your support and lotalty.
    Have a lovely new week, Kathy. XXXX

  23. I love grandmother used to have white and pale pink ones in her front yard. As a child we called them....big roses. I used to bag up the petals and put them in my lingerie drawer...they made it small so nice.

  24. Gorgeous photo's Kathy!!~ I can smell them from here....lovely that you have your very own bush...I would be clipping those all the time to make pretty bouquets...Have a great weekend.

  25. Such beauty is too much for the long term; at least for these mortal bodies.

  26. oh how delicate and sweet was this post!
    that is a gorgeous bloom and yes it's true...why does it last so short....

    perhaps so we recognize how gorgeous it is!
    or so we know that beauty fades with time!

    i must comment on the white doily that is under the flower too....I am so inspired to make something like that!
    did you make yours?
    could you email me a photo of it close up so that i can duplicate it?
    if that's too much to ask or it is in fact your own creation and don't want it copied...then i understand!

    but if you can.....ahhh..that would be sheer bliss!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  27. Carmelina...You for sure could duplicate this...
    I did not make it and will send you a photo soon.
    Have had company for a few days ...May take a bit, but I'll get it to you sweetie!

  28. Wish I knew why that is...but they are/were beautiful.
    Blessings ;-)

  29. They`re beautiful and beautiful photos!! have a nice day:)

  30. Aw what a sweet beautiful post. I can smell them all way over here. They just don't last long at all but love them so much. I can't get them to survive here in Texas.
    Hope your doing well

  31. Well hello sorority sistah...just came by to see if you were doing RUSH...will see your creation later. I KNOW it is going to knock my freakin' sox right off my feet. You are so good at this sort of thing. I am just barely hanging on by my teeth..hope Karen won't kick my creativeless bobo out of the sorority!! :)) haha..the good thing about blogging...there's not a single mean one in the bunch.
    hugs, bj


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me...I am always encouraged by your kind expressions and thoughtful comments....Know that you are loved....xoxo Kathy.