Saturday, August 14, 2010

THINGS...they come and they go...

Just a few minutes in someones home should tell you a lot about their likes and their weaknesses...

All things White and pastel....throw in a little Coastal,

Vintage, Shabby and whimsical sums it up for me.
Table = Ikea...

Wall words = Upper Case Living...

Angel backdrop = GW...

Pitcher = the Maxx...

Childrens vintage clothing = a weakness...

Satin gloves with pearl embellishments and crushed ribbon roses...

Hankies with tatting edges...a deliciously "huge" pin...

Things...are you good at holding onto THINGS loosly?

Enjoying them for a season and then letting them go?

Can you imagine if we never learned that?????

There would be NO Garage Sales....

Perish the thought!!!!!!!

Garage Sales...= the art of Circulating the STUFF!

Have you been out there lately?