Friday, June 5, 2009

Plaster relief closeup...

Some of you have asked about the plaster leaves and acorns I fastened above my arched living room door...So I took a couple close up photos. The process was not hard only time consuming. ..I remember having leaves and acorns all over the kitchen counter for about a week...My molds only allowed me to make a few at a time. Then each one gets attached with Cement glue. Very laborious but soooo worth it.
I still have the plastic forms if anyones interested...I should be more then happy to send them to you if your feeling up to giving this a try...Really your only expense is the cost of plaster which is very reasonable and can be purchased wherever paints are sold. Just let me know and I'll pop them in the mail...xoxo~Kathy


  1. I love what you have done ... These plaster reliefs used to be used in many an old home ... I remember g'ma removing them from her plaster walls a ba-zillion years ago. You can create the same effect with wooden medallions also.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. How kind of you to offer them! I would love to do it and felt that rush of ...oh..that would be so lovely..and then calm came over me and I knew I would never follow through. :) I will just have to come and visit yours...
    Include them in your posts now and then..and I will be a happy camper! :)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me...I am always encouraged by your kind expressions and thoughtful comments....Know that you are loved....xoxo Kathy.